These travelling masses of ice and dust galloping throughout the universe are believed to have shaped the course of life
on this planet. As a result of comet-hunting, many deep-sky objects including nebulae and galaxies have been discovered
with perhaps the most obvious collection being the 109 (or 110) DSO's attributed to Charles Messier. With over 1000 comets
now having been catalogued and approximately 200 having been established as being periodic, historical records suggest
comets to have been observed and documented as far back as 240 BC (Comet Halley by the Chinese).
Comets are appealing to amateurs for a variety of reasons: they lead to incredible photographs thanks to their glowing and
colourful tails extending millions of kilometers as they approach the sun and the ice and various frozen gases in the nucleus
begin to vaporize; they are the precursors of meteor showers as remnants left behind on prior visits are encountered by our
planet while we orbit the sun; and they represent an active adventure and form the basis of a "culture" (comet hunters) based
on the discovery of new comets during the early dawn hours on the eastern horizon or just after sunset on the western horizon.
Note: Comet C/2009 R1 (McNaught) illustrated below while passing through the constellation of
Andromenda and within the immediate vicinity of the edge-on galaxy NGC 891 was discovered on Sept 9, 2009 by Siding Spring
Observatory astronomer Robert McNaught in five plates and was estimated to be magnitude 17.3 to 17.5. Continuous monitoring has
revealed a continuing brightening of the nucleus and which is now expected to reach mag 2 by the end of June and early parts of
July when it will finally be lost in the morning twilight. Perihelion has been estimated to be July 2, 2010.
For an ephemeris and orbital elements on this hyperbolic comet from Harvard's Minor Planet Center, click
here. For a simulation of
the comet including various orbital elements and physical parameters, click
Note: The comet was only 12 to 19 degrees above the horizon during the imaging session!
Comet: C/2009 R1 (McNaught) Discoverer: Robert McNaught Sep 09, 2009 Type: Hyperbolic Period: N/A Constellation: Andromeda RA / Dec: 02h 21m 36s / 42° 05' 32" Distance: 175.1 million km Magnitude: 5.0 - 6.0 |
Date: June 8, 2010 03:15 - 04:07 UT+3 Location: Athens, Greece Equipment: AP 160/f7.5 StarFire EDF AP 1200GTO GEM SBIG ST-10XME SBIG CFW10 SBIG LRGB filters Integrations:
Image Scale: 1.17" / pixel Temperatures:
Software: CCDSoft V5.00.195 CCDStack V1.6.0.5 Photoshop CS2 |