An aspect of astronomy which is very exciting is the handful of stars which have been found to be characterized with very
high proper motion. To be more specific, the position of stars is virtually identical from century to century (let alone,
year to year!) and, yet, a very small number of these stars show dramatic motion across the sky when observed from year
to year. This rapid motion which is easily identified using parallax techniques strongly suggests that these stars are
very close to our sun and solar system with distances often being less than ten light years (many galaxies, for example,
are hundreds of thousands of light years away). The most dramatic of these stars is Barnard's Star which has a proper
motion slightly in excess of ten arc-seconds per year (!), is estimated to be approximately 5.94 light years away and is
currently passing through the constellation of Ophiuchus. Other examples of interest include Wolf 359 (4.70" per year,
Leo), Lalande 21185 (4.80", UMa) and Lacaille 9352 (6.90", PsA). The most recent discovery (2002) is Teegardner's Star
in the constellation of Aries where preliminary estimates suggest a proper motion of 5.05" per year with a distance of
approximately eight light years from the sun.
Note: Krueger (or Kruger) 60 A/B is a very interesting binary red dwarf system which lies 13.15
light-years away in the constellation of Cepheus. The two member red dwarfs are separated by an average of 9.95 AU (or 2-3
arc-seconds) and revolve about a common center of mass with a period of 44.6 years. The brighter member of the binary system
(Krueger 60 A) has a magnitude of 9.59 and is characterized with a mass of 27.1% and a diameter of 35% that of the sun. The
dimmer member, Krueger 60 B, is also a flare star with a magnitude of 11.40 and a mass and diameter of 17.6% and 24%,
respectively, that of the sun. Furthermore, Krueger 60 B at 0.18 solar masses is also one of the lightest stars known. Krueger
60 A/B is characterized with a proper motion of 0.989 arc-seconds per year.
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