Astrophotography by Anthony Ayiomamitis

Star Cluster Sample Image Gallery

Billions and billions of stars and star systems in the form of constellations, galaxies, binary and eclipsing binary star systems, a variety of clusters (open, globular etc) as well as supernova remnants and emission, reflection and planetary nebulae characterize this universe once we go past the solar system. Aside from our sun which represents are closest star, distances start to be measured in light-years when describing our next closest star, cluster, galaxy etc.

Globular star clusters are a symmetrical collection of ancient stars (up to a million such stars) which are bound together gravitationally. Recent estimates indicate that about 150-200 globulars exist throughout our galaxy with only three being readily visible to the naked eye. Since most of the globular clusters are more common in the southern hemisphere, scientists have deduced that our sun must lie away from the galactic core of the Milky Way. One of the most beautiful such globular clusters is M13 in Hercules.

In contrast, open star clusters are widely distributed in our galaxy and represent a loose collection of stars which number from a few dozen to a few hundred stars and are weakly-held gravitationally. Perhaps the three most famous such open clusters are the Pleiades (M45) in Taurus, the Beehive (M44) in Cancer and the double cluster in Perseus. They are all characterized with a handful of hot and white prominent stars and nebular material surrounding these stars.

Note: For an excellent article on globular star clusters, see Astronomy Magazine (Apr/2008: 58-61, Sep/2008: 12-13).

To enter a particular cluster image gallery, please click on the corresponding hyperlink under "Category".

Sample Images

M34 in Per

M35 in Gem

M36 in Aur

M38 in Aur

M39 in Cyg

NGC 457 in Cas

NGC 844 in Per

NGC 869 in Per

NGC 2281 in Aur

NGC 7789 in Cas

M3 in Cvn

M5 in Ser

M13 in Her

M15 in Peg

M56 in Lyr

M71 in Sge

M92 in Her

NGC 2419 in Lynx

NGC 147 in Cas

NGC 185 in Cas

NGC 205 in And


PAL 2 in Aur

PAL 3 in Sex

PAL 4 in UMa

PAL 8 in Sgr

PAL 9 in Sgr

PAL 10 in Sge

PAL 11 in Aql

PAL 13 in Peg

PAL 14 in Her

PAL 15 in Oph

Berkeley 17 in Aur

Berkeley 46 in Lyr

DoDz 9 in Her

DoDz 10 in Cyg

NGC 6791 in Lyr

NGC 188 in Cep

M67 in Cnc